Curious about something? Our FAQ page can help!

About WALLDMAN & Our Products

What makes WALLDMAN's wallpaper designs unique?
What materials do you use for your wallpapers and wall murals?
Are your wallpapers and wall murals safe and eco-friendly?
Will the colors on my wallpaper fade?
How do I care for and clean my wallpaper?

Ordering & Customization

How do I place an order?
What payment methods do you accept?
Where can I find my invoice?
Do you offer discounts?
Can I preview how the wallpaper or mural will look in my room?
Can I order a custom-sized wallpaper or mural?
What is the minimum order?

Shipping & Delivery

Do you offer free shipping?
How long does delivery usually take?
Will I be able to track my order?
What are the terms of delivery?
Are there additional fees for international orders?

Returns & Refunds

What is your return policy?
Can I cancel my order?
What if my wallpaper or mural arrives damaged?
Can I return wallpaper samples?
What is the Sample size?

Other Important Information

Is there an age restriction for ordering?
What are your Terms and Conditions?
How can I contact customer service?

Shop now and receive custom-designed, eco-friendly wallpaper or wall mural in just a few days! Enjoy free shipping worldwide!

legal information

For detailed information, please review our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us.

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Customer service is available 24/7(Monday - Saturday)


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